Next meeting, Friday September 23rd at 7pm in front of the convent. Fr. Bubel offers a technology club aimed toward teenagers. We don't just use computers, we get to learn how they work and even build them piece by piece. Basic circuits and electronics are implemented for non-computer applications. We also have conversations about technology, where it is headed, and the moral implications of technology out of control.
Beginning in September, on each Friday of the month there will be some activity in the church or meeting room at 5pm led by Fr. Bubel. On First Fridays there will be adoration of the Blessed Sacrament in the church, on Second Fridays will be a newly formed Parish Historical Society, on Third Fridays will be a new "Readers of First Things" (ROFT) group, on Fourth Fridays will be a Lectio Divina Group, and Fifth Fridays will be just social. There is no need to sign up, just show up.